Good Heath Begins in Your Mind

Did you know? . . . A person has a better chance of maintaining a fitness routine if she or he not only address the physical aspects of being healthy, but also the mental and emotional aspects.

Most of us go through life within our own little box. Unfortunately, there are days when the world of uncertainties enters, bad deeds of others are afflicted upon us, or that little voice inside of us starts talking trash. As a result, we fall into an unfortunate moment or negative thought and therefore, allow it, the situation or person to take control. What about comparing ourselves to others or wish we had something that someone else has. Overall, our self-esteem diminishes, we begin to have self-doubt and/or we give up on our goals.

If you allow negative thoughts to consume you, you will believe it.
If you believe it, you will become it.

You must take ownership of your own actions and thoughts. You need to learn how to remain balanced during the ever-changing conditions around you.

I remember reading a story that illustrates further on why good health begins in your mind. . .

Years ago, a farmer’s most valuable asset is the horse that he owns. One day a farmer’s horse ran away, the townspeople were telling the farmer how unfortunate he was to have such terrible luck, and that the farmer could no longer plow or move his goods. The farmer replied, “I don’t know if it’s unfortunate or not; all I know is that my horse is gone.” A few days later, the horse returned with six friends. The townspeople told the farmer how he struck it rich and now have seven horses. The farmer replied, “I don’t know if I am fortunate or not; all I can say is that I now have seven horses in my stable.” A few days later, the farmer’s son tried to break in one of the wild stallions, was thrown from the horse, and broke his leg and shoulder. Again, the townspeople said how it was misfortunate his son was so badly injured and he could not help with his harvest. The farmer replied, “I don’t know if it’s misfortunate or not; what I know is that my son has been injured.” Less than a week later, the army swept the town and took all the young men to fight in the war, all except the farmer’s son who was unable to fight because of his injuries.

You cannot control everything in your life or understand why things are the way they are today. It is what it is. You do however, control your own reactions to circumstances. So learn to let go.

When I created the Combo Flow Mat program, it was imperative that I included positive thoughts exercises. My goal was to have participants leave feeling refreshed mentally, yet challenged with the many exercises or poses they do within the hour. We are so busy in our careers or doing for others that we forget about caring for ourselves. Our minds run rapidly and we hardly have a moment to collect our thoughts. I want participants to feel the moment, sense how their bodies are responding to the exercise, reflect on their breathing, wash away any negative thoughts, and to know that the hour is all about them. Each participant is important and need to believe that they are in their own state of mind.

Interruptions will always be in our lives. It is up to us on how we react to them.

It is what it is.

My twin-sister also
wrote a blog about The Mind. It is funny how we think alike!

Thanks for reading my blog!



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