Heart Health Screening Comparison

A long time ago, Debbie (my twin sister) and I had a complete heart health screening. We found it to be helpful, especially since they discovered something in Debbie's test. 

Now that we are older, we wanted to get another screening. It did not surprise me (since the aging baby boomers population) that hospitals are now offering these screenings - but thankfully at affordable prices!

As most people who knows me, I like to research and find the best opportunities or offers. No difference in my search for a heart health screening in my area. Being that, if you are interested in scheduling a heart health screening and to save you time, the following are the results in my findings (as of this Post date). 

*only offered at Henry Ford Wyandotte or **Henry Ford West Bloomfield, not available to do at both locations

The sooner you know your risk of heart disease, the better chance you have to keep your heart healthy and strong. If you are over 30 and have a family history of heart problems, or have a lifestyle that promotes heart disease, having a heart health screening may help get you on the path to heart health.

Links for More Information:
St Mary's Mercy
Providence (Ascension)
Henry Ford

I hope you found this information useful and will consider being proactive with your own heart health. Keep in mind, these are my findings. At some locations, you can elect to not do the blood work and the price will be lower. Debbie and I are scheduled to go to Henry Ford. They had a February special of $79.00 and we like the idea of getting immediate results.

Oh, by the way, exercising is good for your heart and you know that I cannot complete this post without a shout out to Fitness Motivators!!!!

The popular Fitness Motivators is not a traditional gym. While many fitness groups come and go, Fitness Motivators has been a fixture in the Detroit area since 1989!

2019 is Fitness Motivators' 30 Year Anniversary!!!!

The FM Team prides themselves in offering a program that caters to ALL FITNESS LEVELS and ALL AGES. Most FM classes are team-taught at various levels at the same time, so Beginners will NOT BE Intimidated and advanced students will be challenged! I hope you will join us in a class soon!

I am thinking of doing random Z.E.N. Yoga in the Park classes this summer. This will be free to participate and those who want, can give a donation that will go to a local charity. If you are interested, please let me know! I am thinking Friday evenings and/or Saturday mornings.

In Peace and Health,

Donna, RYT200


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