The Last Few Weeks
This was my forth week of Pilates and it is getting better. I still have to do a workout on Pilates day because it is more like a stretch workout, but overall it is still nice. I feel as though I am gaining my flexibility back due to my long-term muscle injury and that is a great thing! In addition, this week I taught a Step class. It has been years teaching Step, so I mixed it up with plyometrics, aerobics and weights. The members were sweating horribly and I have to say, class was really intense! Yea!! Zumba and my z-box classes were awesome, too. Although, I did completely forgot an entire routine in Zumba! The class laughed and we moved on to the next song. It is nice teaching after all these years! It has been two weeks since I was told that my job was being eliminated, again. I expected it, but the reality sure does stink! At least I know it is not because of my performance (I was rated one of the highest in my group), but because of my duties. I hope that I will be able to ge...