The Inspiration Award from Canyon Ranch Experience

And so it goes “. . . Who inspires you? I am willing to bet that you can think of someone. Perhaps that person has made a selfless sacrifice, motivated others, overcome adversity, or made a difference in the community. . . how about showing them how much they have done so by nominating them for an Inspiration Award? . . . there’s not just one winner in this contest either. There are 70 .“ I was nominated by my beautiful twin-sister , and because of her nomination, a recipient of this generous award! I was told by the Canyon Ranch that they are not going to do anything with the nominations that people submitted. So if you are interested in reading mine, please click here and go to the bottom of the page. Power of Intuition Week I decided to redeem my award during the Power of Intuition event week at the Lenox MA location, solo. If you are contemplating on going to the Canyon Ranch or scheduled to go for your first time, I hope the following review wil...